Xref events

Verify your work history with Xref on SEEK

Coming soon: Together with SEEK Pass, verify your work history on SEEK using your reference checks completed on Xref.


You will soon be able to verify your career history on your SEEK Profile through our SEEK Pass integration. Leveraging your completed Xref reference checks, SEEK Pass will verify your previous workplace, job title, start and end dates through its a secure credential verification platform. Your career history data will be securely stored and managed through your SEEK Pass credential passport.

Verify your career history in minutes

Easily use your completed Xref reference checks via SEEK Pass to verify career history and share on your SEEK Profile.

Stand out on SEEK

Enhance your SEEK Profile with a SEEK Pass verified tick against your Xref verified career history.

Robust data security

Benefit from security controls on SEEK Pass, including end-to-end encryption and deletion of sensitive documents

Easily verify and re-use

Once verified with Xref, re-use it across all current and future job applications on SEEK.

How it works

The power of Xref within SEEK in four simple steps

Step one

Sign up to SEEK Pass

Create an a free account in seconds.

Step two

Connect Xref

Confirm your details to connect your Xref account and access your verified work history.

Step three

Review results

Based on existing reference checks, we will share your verified work history information with SEEK Pass.

Step four

Share results

Confirm the verified information is correct and choose to securely share your results on SEEK.

Start using Xref via SEEK

Login to SEEK Pass
No SEEK Pass account? Set up one here
Screenshot of the Xref platform additional checks functionality