
Qantas reviews Xref's online reference checking software. Results include an improved average time-to-hire, with reference requests completed just minutes after candidate assessments conclude.
"Xref frees up time for more strategic HR tasks."
The success rate on reference completion using Xref
It takes, on average, just 17 hours to turnaround references
Senior level Qantas references now include, on average, 422 words
Qantas implemented Xref in 2015, in conjunction with an internal recruitment procedure overhaul. The company was receiving up to 40 candidates at any time from candidate assessment centres, all of which needed to be referenced at once. Due to the labour-intensive nature of the phone-based referencing method, the recruitment team employed both full-time and temporary staff to complete the checks, which proved to be expensive and inefficient.
Since adopting Xref, Qantas has been able to automate the reference checking process, allowing reference requests to be completed just minutes after candidate assessments conclude.
Using Xref Qantas has:
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