Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 6, 2024

Our Commitment to Protecting Your Privacy

At Xref, we  want to ensure you are well-informed about how your information is collected, used, and protected, and how you can manage it when interacting with us. Our Privacy Policy provides a comprehensive explanation of these practices.

By registering and creating an account, using our products and services, visiting our platforms, or engaging with us via phone, email, in person, or through any other means, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

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Categories of users
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Purposes of Collection and Disclosure
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Marketing and Analytics
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Security and Storage
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Disclosures Overseas
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Export outside the EEA
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Contacting Us and Your rights
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Cookies Policy
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Children's Privacy
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API Keys 
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Changes to our Privacy Policy and/or Cookies Policy
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Appendix A: Legal grounds