Xref events

Know your next move with people and organisational reports and insights

From an aggregated overview of data to detailed feedback, find the reporting and insights you need to make confident business decisions.

eNPS in Xref Platform screenshot
Xref 3D shapes
Reference reports

Make confident, informed hiring decisions

Quickly understand the skills and core competencies of your candidate with a reference report. With sentiment analysis helping understand how a referee feels about their candidate without hearing their voice and suspicious activity flags ensuring legitimacy of the feedback provided, automated reference checks with Xref offer a fast, secure, compliant alternative to phone-based checks.

Xref Reference Report
Pulse reports

Make organisational change

Learn what areas need improvement and where your organisational strengths lie with a Pulse report. Clear feedback in the form of easy-to-read graphs provide aggregated feedback so you can make real, impactful organisational change to help retain top talent. Filter insights at a department level to know where your changes will have the best results.

Xref Pulse report
Exit reports

Understand your people

Exit reports help you understand the needs of your talent and reasons for attrition. Clear data-driven feedback helps you take informed action and confidently influence organisational change for increased retention. Exiting employees can also opt-in to be rehired with the exit report sharing skills and competencies for faster future hiring.

Xref Exit Report
Organisational metrics

Measure key metrics within your organisation

Identify and address key organisational insights that impact your talent journey. Drill down into specific metrics or look at a period of time to gain a clearer picture of how your organisation has performed over time and what can be improved. The results can help hire better talent, improve onboarding, and reduce attrition.

Xref organisational metrics
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

Benchmark your organisation

View survey results to understand if your current and departing employees would recommend your organisation as a place to work. An employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) develops over time and can be used to benchmark your organisation against competitors to attract top talent. Consider areas of improvement to increase your eNPS to attract new talent and retain your current employees.

Xref analytics
Custom filtering and exporting

Customise your data

Always like to see a particular skill or organisational metric? Customise your data with advanced filtering and sorting. Choose to export and share a full report or restrict certain information. Download and review results as a PDF.

Xref export report
Xref Reference Report
Xref Pulse report
Xref Exit Report
Xref organisational metrics
Xref analytics
Xref export report
Additional features

Gather comprehensive, compliant, data-driven feedback

What our customers say

Trusted by the companies you trust

Westpac logoWestpac logo

How Westpac benefit from Xref’s tailored service

Westpac ATM
The Salvation Army logoThe Salvation Army logo

Getting to know candidates with Xref

The Salvation Army not-for-profit
McDonald's logoMcDonald's logo

Enjoying Fast, Effective and Accurate Results

McDonald's restaurant

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