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Comprehensive background screening with Xref & Checkr.


Checkr provides modern and compliant background checks for global enterprises and startups. Xref's partnership with Checkr answers the demand from hiring teams in North America for a holistic solution to pre-employment screening. Xref users can activate Checkr services from within the Xref platform, including credit, criminal, driver and identity checks.

Criminal Record checks

Cross-check nation and county criminal records across multiple jurisdictions to identify any felony, misdemeanor or pending criminal records.

Driver Checks

Include a full motor vehicle driving records search in your checks, pulling data from every state.

Drug Checks

Add drug screening to your checks, with an electronic Chain of Custody forms for a streamlined, paperless experience.

Social Security Trace

Validate your candidate’s SSN using public records databases, and credit bureau information.

Request Checkr in Xref integration

Request a Checkr check within Xref

Select the type of check you require, populate the candidate details and hit "Send Request".

Monitor the progress

Track the progress of your checks from within the Xref requests tab.

monitor Checkr progress in Xref integration
View completed check in Xref integration

Instant completion notification

You will be alerted to the completion of a Checkr check instantly from within the Xref platform.


Don’t do the leg work when you don’t have to. Let Xref do all the heavy lifting.