Xref events
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Streamline your HR workflow with Xref and MyRecruitment+


Xref is partnered with end-to-end recruitment and onboarding software provider MyRecruitment+. The integration allows users to request online reference checks directly from the MR+ platform. 

MyRecruitment+ is a cloud-based recruitment and onboarding software that helps recruiters manage their entire hiring process from the initial stages that a manager submits a request-to-hire form right through to the onboarding of the candidate. 

Seamless HR Workflow

Promote productivity and efficiency by removing the need to switch between apps.

Faster Reference Turnaround Times

Have detailed reference checks completed within 24-36 hours.

Status Updates

Stay in the loop on the progress of each reference with status updates.

Powerful Reporting

Request detailed written references stored securely in the cloud.

Send Xref request in MRP integration

Request an Xref

Go to the ‘Candidates’ tab, click on ‘Reference checks’, pick your candidate and send an Xref request.

Monitor the Progress

Once you’ve sent the reference request, you can monitor the progress.

Monitor Xref progress in MRP integration
View full report in MRP integration

View Final Report

View full Xref report including information about the sentiment of the feedback given and a core competency graph to help benchmark your candidates.


Don’t do the leg work when you don’t have to. Let Xref do all the heavy lifting.