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Talent App Store

Access Xref via the Talent App Store.


Xref is partnered with app integration marketplace, Talent App Store by SnapHire. You can now access Xref for automated reference checking and other niche, pre-integrated apps that each do one job exceptionally well.

The Talent App Store platform solves a major HR technology challenge facing employers today - accessing new technologies and integrating them into their talent management systems.

Best of breed platforms

Discover a suite of HR apps built to tackle specific HR-related tasks.

Install with confidence

Easily select the right solutions with the assurance that security and integration is taken care of.

Share data

Make the most of peer-to-peer connectivity that enables data to be shared between apps.

Productive, Automated Workflows

Let our technology-driven process manage your workflow.


Don’t do the leg work when you don’t have to. Let Xref do all the heavy lifting.