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5 Trending HR Topics for September 2021

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As the pandemic wears on, leaders must take a deep breath, and consider the bigger picture. The disruption of the pandemic has both revealed and accelerated several HR practices. Read how HR leaders are stepping up to improve the odds of success in the next normal. 

Explore our collection of 5 HR trending topics for September

Topic 1: The four-day workweek model

Topic 2: Fighting the pandemic brain 

Topic 3: Create #FOMO to push diversity hiring

Topic 4: Leadership Trust and Psychological safety as part of employer brand

Topic 5: The Great Resignation: What’s behind it?

Let’s understand what these topics are about:

#1 Workplace performance: Here’s why businesses should consider moving to a four-day workweek model

Image with text for section on four-day workweek model

A study in Iceland reveals the success of a 36-hour workweek where productivity either stayed the same or went up. Employees on a 36-hour week got work done and were happier at the same time. As a result of the study, 86 per cent of the population is either working a shorter workweek or have gained a contract that guarantees them a shorter workweek in the future. In this podcast with Jim Bankoff, CEO for Vox Media, we hear about how changing attitudes around work might change our work and life balance.

#2 Wellbeing and mental health: Feeling more forgetful right now? You’re not the only one.

Image with text on section - Feeling more forgetful right now? You’re not the only one.

If you’ve recently walked into a room and can’t remember why you’re there. Don’t worry; it’s not you. It’s probably a result of the lockdown and something experts call the ‘pandemic brain’. Feeling forgetful, irritable and unmotivated are common things people are experiencing as a result of long-term isolation; there’s a scientific reason why many of us are feeling this way. This blog from HRM unpacks the issues of a Covid-19 pandemic brain related to working from home in lockdown and what HR teams can do to enable higher-level thinking. 

#3 Talent attraction: Creating #FOMO to push diversity hiring 

Image with text on section - Creating #FOMO to push diversity hiring

Asking hiring teams to focus more on talent from underrepresented groups is usually framed around a diversity and inclusion (DEI) strategy. Did you know that the fear of missing out (FOMO) could be instrumental in improving your DEI efforts? John Vlastelica shares some great insights on how recruiters can use #FOMO to hire more untapped talent. This blog unpacks how the fear of missing out on top talent can move HR professionals from a narrow pool of ideal candidates to an out-of-the-box hiring approach. FOMO is helping human resources teams get some great talent to fill the existing skill gaps.

#4 Employer brand: Impact of leadership trust and psychological safety on your employer brand 

Image with text on section - Impact of leadership trust and psychological safety on your employer brand

Leading a business with a dispersed workforce has implications on workplace culture, employee experience, team collaboration, and trust in leadership. Remote work conditions contribute to an employer brand and create psychological safety for an employee or future candidate. Psychological safety is vital for a high-trust culture, and something recruiters and HR departments should promote when filling job vacancies. In this blog, we discover the value of psychological safety and leadership trust in attracting candidates.

#5 Workplace survey: What’s behind the Great Resignation?

Image with text on Great Resignation

A question that may be on many curious minds is the reason behind the Great Resignation or the exodus of people from workplaces. According to research by Amdocs on 1,000 full-time workers, nearly two-thirds (64%) would leave their job due to a lack of training and development. 90% said when searching for a new job; a company must offer a strong training and upskilling program. This blog from VentureBeat uncovers stats and insights on what staff want to experience in their work environment, and more importantly, why they’re leaving their jobs.

Trending on Xref: 

  1. The Challenges for Staffing and Recruitment Teams in 2021
  2. How Tech Can Help You Avoid Fake References
  3. How to Manage Unpredictable Hiring Trends

In case you missed our blog last month, 5 Trending HR Topics for August 2021

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